Msc Computer Science Operating System Lab
Second Semester
 Calicut University

Operating System - PRACTICAL SECTION
  1. Write programs using the following system calls: fork(), execl() and wait().
  2. Write File System Calls to write, append and display.
  3. To accept the burst time for a set of processes for FCFS scheduling and create chart consisting of the burst time, turnaround time and wait time of each process.
  4. To accept the burst time for a set of processes for SJF scheduling and create chart consisting of the burst time, turnaround time and wait time of each process.
  5. To accept the burst time and priority for a set of processes for Priority scheduling and create chart consisting of the burst time, priority, turnaround time and wait time of each process.
  6. To create n Fibonacci numbers and prepare a list of prime numbers amongst them (use pipe for IPC).
  7. To demonstrate IPC using shared memory.
  8. To allocate memory requirements for processes using best fit allocation- Accept n processes with their memory requirements and n holes with their sizes. Perform memory allocation using Best Fit algorithm. Display a chart consisting of the process and the allocated hole.
  9. To accept n processes with their memory requirements and n holes with their sizes. Perform memory allocation using First Fit algorithm. Display a chart consisting of the process and the allocated hole.
  10. To demonstrate the process of contiguous allocation of memory blocks to store files of varying sizes.
  11. To implement Producer Consumer problem using semaphores.