Msc Computer Science Operating System Lab
Second Semester
Calicut University
Operating System - PRACTICAL SECTION
- Write programs using the following system calls: fork(), execl() and wait().
- Write File System Calls to write, append and display.
- To accept the burst time for a set of processes for FCFS scheduling and create chart consisting of the burst time, turnaround time and wait time of each process.
- To accept the burst time for a set of processes for SJF scheduling and create chart consisting of the burst time, turnaround time and wait time of each process.
- To accept the burst time and priority for a set of processes for Priority scheduling and create chart consisting of the burst time, priority, turnaround time and wait time of each process.
- To create n Fibonacci numbers and prepare a list of prime numbers amongst them (use pipe for IPC).
- To demonstrate IPC using shared memory.
- To allocate memory requirements for processes using best fit allocation- Accept n processes with their memory requirements and n holes with their sizes. Perform memory allocation using Best Fit algorithm. Display a chart consisting of the process and the allocated hole.
- To accept n processes with their memory requirements and n holes with their sizes. Perform memory allocation using First Fit algorithm. Display a chart consisting of the process and the allocated hole.
- To demonstrate the process of contiguous allocation of memory blocks to store files of varying sizes.
- To implement Producer Consumer problem using semaphores.